Photos - 2013

Christmas Eve Feast 2013 in Photos

On Tuesday, December 24th, 2013, Sons of Italy held the eighth annual Christmas Eve Feast for approximately 450 people from Winnipeg's West End.

Working in conjunction with our major sponsors X-Cues Billiards and Café, Sorrento’s on Ellice and the West End BIZ, the Feast was our biggest ever!  The dinner featured both traditional and Italian favorites and was served at X- Cues, 551 Sargent Avenue. Food was served from 11:30 a.m. to about 2:00 p.m.   Santa and Mrs. Claus were there to add to the festivities.

The dinner is a small way to help those in the community who may find this time of year difficult by providing a hot meal, entertainment and company to share it with.  Some experienced their first Christmas in Canada and for others it provided their only holiday meal.  Along with the plentiful feast provided, everyone left with a gift bag full of treats.

This heartwarming event beautifully demonstrates the spirit of Christmas in the vibrant West End of Winnipeg.  Sal Infantino, owner of X-Cues says: “Seeing the appreciation and joy on everyone’s face is the best gift. I can’t imagine doing anything else on Christmas Eve”.

Event co-chairs Reno Augellone and John Giavedoni from Sons of Italy agree, saying “Christmas is a special time of giving for Italians and we appreciate being able to help the multicultural people in this community.”

We are again amazed at the outpouring of generosity by many local businesses that have stepped forward to make this Christmas Eve Feast an annual tradition, and would like to thank and acknowledge the list of amazing donors -- they make this wonderful event possible -- thank you very much!

Finally, we want to thank the many volunteers that are not only on-site the day of the event (click on pic above), but those that help with advance set-up, shopping, deliveries and planning - their hard work and dedication at a very busy time of year is appreciated beyond what words can express.

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Angelo, Franco and their team of elves took Santa pics and instantly printed them for the children
Order Sons and Daughters of Italy, Garibaldi Lodge

Copyright 2010 - 2025,  website by John Giavedoni,  photos by | photography unless otherwise stated