The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy of Canada is an organization of men and women who are devoted to the celebration of Italian heritage, community service and charitable good works. The first lodge in Canada was established in Ontario in 1915. Currently, there are fifteen Lodges in Canada. Garibaldi Lodge (Winnipeg)
We Support the CommunityWe give not only to the community in general, but we also support a range of Italian groups, including the Sons and Daughters of Italy Splendore D'Italia Dance Group, who teach and perform traditional Italian dances, and the Dante Alighieri Cultural Society who provides Italian language lessons for children and adults. Through our scholarship programs we provide financial assistance to students of Italian heritage. Annually we sponsor various awards that recognize Canadians of Italian descent who have done well in a professional or entrepreneurial capacity. MembershipTo become a member of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy, an individual must be of Italian descent or married to a person of Italian descent. All such individuals of good character, regardless of faith, are potential candidates for this non-sectarian Order. If you are interested, you can read more about membership or email us for more info. | OUR MISSION STATEMENTCanadians of Italian Heritage working to strengthen and serve our community |